Hello, I am Samuel. I am a student at University of South Carolina studying computer science. I am passion about computers and learning new technology. My goal is to design and create video games and game engines that are easy to use for other developers.
Programming Languages: Java, HTML, CSS, Python
Software: Microsoft Office, Visual Studio Code, Git
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 10/11, Linux
Resume: Download here
While many transportation and map applications bring people to the correct place optimally, most of them do not usually use people's preferred route or entrance locally.
Solutions, resources, and issues like privacy that can be used to solve the problem of suggesting preferred routes.
Digital sketches of how the application will be used by regular people who just want to go from one place to another, an employee managing the application on a desktop, and a person who might plan out most of their trips.
Digital "paper" prototype detailing step-by-step on how people will use the application. The prototype is based on sketch one and three for mobile, and if the application is based on or an add-on for Apple Maps.
Solutions for Algorithmic Design II labs and homework written in Java. It does not contain example text files and driver files.
Solutions for Unix/Linux Fundamentals labs. Most of it are simple shell scripts and Makefile.
LinkedIn: wushenrong
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